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The Iso War is the collective name for a nominally cold war between LEIGH&CO and related interests, and the Isolationist movement. This conflict ultimately resulted in The 1st Survivor killing his dear friend Hattori, who had sided with the Isos.

They heard the horse first, whinnying somewhere in the dark of the rain, out in the spruce stand, bass thuds of hooves in mud, a snort. Before they could call out the day's challenge a man emerged from the rain like an apparition, striking a match off his armor and lighting a cigar.

"That's a fine fire, gents" he said, "mind if I warm myself". His armor glowed softly purple with enchantments, his boots muddy. The two LEIGH&CO soldiers had built their campfire under one of the great old growth trees, too tall to see the top of in the dark. It offered some protection from the rains that had been falling this monsoon for nine days and nights now.

Locke could see across the fire that Gantz was starting to go for his crossbow. Locke furrowed his brow, shook his head gently no. Gantz moved his hand back to his knee, leaned into the fire. If the man noticed, he gave no sign as he sat down by the fire, not having waited for a response. Holding his hands up to the fire to warn them, his gloves giving off steam as they dried out.

"You work for the Company, I see" the man said.

"We do." Gantz offered gruffly.

"You're with the 79th." the man said, nodding to the emblem on Locke's shoulder, a fox.

"That's right. We're patrolling from the outpost down south" Locke said.

"I understand your company are ferocious fighters. This rain would slow anybody down, though" the man stated, looking up into the glow of the tree.

"Yeah. The river is flooded, so we have to wait for it to die down before heading back. No worry though, doesn't keep us from our mission". Locke said.

"And that is?" the man inquired.

"Just being on the lookout for Iso activity, helping where we can. There's a native village not far north of here." Locke said.

The man took another puff of his cigar, the end glowing red, and pulled a huge black knife from his belt. Gantz tensed. The man smiled. "Ah. Peacekeeping. Funny thing. Before LEIGH&CO came, there was just peace. It didn't need to be kept". He pulled a black leather sack off his shoulder, removed a loaf of bread. He cut the bread. "From the village" he said, offering it to them. They both accepted.

He cut a piece for himself, and put the loaf back in the bag. He pulled a flask out, took a pull, offered it to Gantz. "You're a man of few words, I can appreciate that. Have a drink". Gantz took the flask, smelled it, took a pull. It was strong. "From the natives" the man said. "None of that Rival swill you are used to. They make it from honey". Gantz took a another swig, passed the flask to Locke.

"And of you? You're a long way out" Gantz asked. Locke winced and shot him a look. The man laughed, a deep laugh. "Many will call me an adventurer, but I am one of a different sort than those who seek diamonds and redstone. I risk my life to prove the truth".

"No law against adventure" Locke said pointedly, looking straight at Gantz. Gantz nodded. "Aye", he said, picking up a stick to prod the fire. Locke motioned to hand the flask back to the man. "Keep it" the man said, "this fire is all I need right now, and a man has no reason for that he doesn't need. And I have a feeling you two are going to need it. Soldering is an ugly business".

Locke chuckled, tossed the flask to Gantz. They sat for awhile, the rain driving in sheets, the man smoking his cigar. The rain came and went, as if it couldn't decide if it was an ending or a beginning. The man stood up and tossed the stub of his cigar into the fire. "The river's down, you won't have any trouble crossing. I came from that way. Thanks for the fire. See you on the other side, brothers". And he disappeared into the rain just as he had appeared.

Locke waited 10 minutes by his LeighBoy, kicked out the fire. "Come on, we've got to go right now" he told to Gantz. They picked up their rucks and crossbows, lit their lanterns, and started the hike back to the river. "Who was that guy. We should have gotten his identification at least." Gantz asked. "No, we shouldn't have" replied Locke.

"What are you talking about?"

"Just be quiet. We're almost there". As sure as the man had said, the river was down, and they had no problem crossing by lantern. It was a half kilometer back up to the base, and they trudged through the mud in silence. When they got up to the perimeter fence of the base, nobody was there. "That's different" Gantz said. Locke was already bringing his LeighBoy up, tapping out a message. No reply. He raised his crossbow, and the two walked through the gate. The compound appeared deserted.

They found the other soldiers, after a fashion. Some were in the mess, some were in the armory. Some were in both. All were dead, all were accounted for.

Gantz took the flask from his pocket. "Locke, who was that guy?"

"That was mrunix".