Jump Drive

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The Jump Drive is a technology developed by LEIGH&CO from stolen Ender technology. This drive allows ships and their contents to jump between locations.

LEIGH&CO accepts no liability for the use of this product.


Constructing a jump drive requires a chiselled quartz block (the drive) and six amethyst blocks (the field relays).

  • Position the jump drive block wherever desired in the ship. The pilot will need to be able to see the block to interact with the drive.
  • Place the six field relay blocks a linear distance away from each face of the drive block. The field relay blocks will define the jump envelope - the space that will be transported.
  • The maximum distance a field relay block can be from the jump drive block is 32.

Operating The Drive

The drive operates on popped chorus fruit which must be in the pilots inventory at the time of the jump.

To plot a jump, use the command /jump plot x y z while looking at the drive block. The jump will be plotted and the cost displayed.

To execute the jump, use the command /jump execute.