Elevator Sign

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An Elevator Sign is a special effect that through Technica Arcanum creates a teleportation elevator. This elevator is useful for traveling between floors in buildings, mines, etc.

Elevator signs must be located directly above/below one another. There are three options for the sign, as indicated by text which must appear on the 2nd line of the sign.

  • For a sign going up: "[Lift Up]"
  • For a sign going down: "[Lift Down]"
  • For a terminal stop: "[Lift]"

Optionally, any text written on the 1st line of the sign will be displayed on the rider's LeighBoy when arriving on the floor.

Note that elevators ignore Land Office security, regardless of the type of wood the sign is made out of. This means that elevator signs are not useful for restricting access to areas, and if that is desired, the builder must protect access to the sign, for example, by enclosing it in a room with a door.