New Eden Minecraft Network

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The NEMN is a collection of Minecraft "vanilla" survival servers which are presented for free. The servers are "vanilla" in the sense that no client modifications are required, but, various server-side modifications are present to enhance the game play.

The philosophy of the NEMN is to create a long-term archival environment for builds. It is our commitment to maintain and operate these servers essentially in perpetuity. Therefore, in terms of mods, enhancements, and overall operation of the servers, the only acceptable course are those that will continue to allow the game to be sustained and upgraded in the future. So you will not see some of the radical (and interesting in their own right) mod packs which are available in other places.

The oldest server, "neweden", was started in 9/2019.

Player Rules

The servers exist, ultimately, to sustain builds, but it is our desire to facilitate as many playstyles as possible. We recognize that not everyone wants to play the game the same way, and not everyone joys the same things, which is exactly the point of a sandbox environment.

The land of the land is essentially that there is no law of the land. PVP, theft, booby traps, and whatever else you can get away with, is "legal". Server glitching is legal, if you can get away with it, which is to say, if you don't get caught. A good way to get caught is to disrupt the TPS of the server which will draw the attention of LEIGH&CO faster than anything.

This is not to suggest that griefing, harassment, ganking, and generally anti-social behavior is tolerated. It is to suggest that whenever possible players will find in-game solutions to in-game problems, and indeed quite a few tools exist for players to not only protect themselves from harm but to actively seek terrible revenge.